The Woomera Testing Site
The site is located in the Southern Outback of Australia and has tested many rockets and missiles over the years – it still does. From 1964-70, it hosted testing of the Blue Streak rocket.
The actual missile tests in 1964 took place on the following dates according to Wikipedia :
5 June 1964 & 21 October 1964.
Jim T in an interview stated that he was told the abandoned missile test took place the day after the photo was taken, it may just be time and age dulling his mind. But its permissible that by the time the story broke in Australia (A copy of the negative had to be sent down under) then the 5 June 1964 was the next permissible close date to the incident.
The first launch on the 5 June 1964 was recorded by Pathe news :
The original launch although successful cataloged a number of problems with the rocket described as :
“uncontrollable oscillations during final phase of burn due to fuel sloshing in tanks…”
bluestreak woomera launch 5 June 1964 lens flare cameraThere was originally some confusion over this video as it had originally gone missing from the British National Archives canister and UK UFO researcher Jenny Randles was unable to locate it during her own investigation. Some files came to light in 2010 – from the Ministry Of Defence and made reference to the film involving a ‘camera lens flair’ which appeared just before launch and was originally thought to be a UFO of somekind.
After the the third launch of the Rocket on 23 March 1964, the following Pathe film was released :
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